Monday 16 March 2015

 I'm over the moon with this latest review of Gone Riding. If I think back to what I hoped people would say when they read it I couldn't have wished for more than this.

"What I loved most about this book was how it made me feel - that adventures can be had by ordinary people, and that the world is a wonderfully enticing place with interesting people to meet and fantastic places to visit. And that you don't have to be superhuman to get out into it (as another reviewer said) but anyone can do what Dom did and give up their jobs and just do it!

I'm also not particularly into motorbikes but you really don't have to be - the bike is an integral part of the journey of course but Dom *really* isn't a bike geek! I had to read it quite slowly and dip in and out so I felt that I was doing the journey justice, rather than just whizzing through it. The author is clearly an intelligent, perceptive and decent person, so the book is filled with interesting snippets of history and geography and life observations too.

Recommended for all you armchair travellers and those who want to do it for real! As Dom says, the question isn't 'why?' but 'why not?'"

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